Disegno is a polyhedric space preserved within the historical setting of Palazzo Beccaguti Cavriani. The architecture studio, active since 1998, and the art gallery are two entities that communicate between them, tied together by the fil rouge of the artworks exposed.
Architecture Studio
Contemporary Art Gallery
Palazzo Beccaguti Cavriani is also a venue that can be rented for shootings and other projects such as events and exhibitions. If you want to know more, please write to us and we’ll be pleased to give you all the details.

A museum-house to live in, right in the heart of Mantova

Palazzo Beccaguti Cavriani is more than a space for art and projects: it is also a home to experience. You can sojourn here to explore the beautiful city of Mantova, having one of its most evocative places as your base.
Dive into the world of Palazzo Beccaguti Cavriani.